Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fillon’s visit payoff: French Total receives oil exploration concession

Fillon, tu n'es qu'un F-I-L-O-U!

05 July 2011
Translated from Khmer by Soch

The ministry of Economic and Finance indicated that the Cambodian government handed out an oil exploration concession to the French Total company. The concession is located inside the overlap sea between Cambodia and Thailand. In return, Total promises to provide social funds for the development of that zone [KI-Media note: social funds are nothing more than under the table corruption money provided to the Hun Xen’s regime]. The spokesman for the ministry of Economic and Finance indicated that Yves Lebail, the deputy-director of Total and the regional deputy director of Total in Cambodia, Vietnam and China, met with Comrade Keat Chhon, the minister of Economic and Finance, in Phnom Penh on 01 July 2011 to discuss the cooperation and the investment for oil exploration in Cambodia, as well as to discuss about social funds provided by the Total company. The ministry official said that the Cambodian government and Total are determined to use these oil social funds for social developments that serve the interest of the Cambodian people [KI-Media note: meaning these social funds will be used to grease the corrupt Hun Xen’s regime officials]

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