Sunday, October 10, 2010

Norwegian beauties are the best

Norwegian women are the most beautiful while Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a website for beautiful people only. In fact, this inference is drawn after fewer than one in eight British men (12 per cent) and just three in 20 women (15 per cent) who have applied to have been accepted as members.
Swedish men have proved the most successful applicants, with two- thirds (65 per cent) of those putting themselves forward being accepted. Norwegian women are the most beautiful with more than threequarters (76 per cent) making the grade.
Sweden, Brazil and Norway prove to be the most beautiful countries overall. Applicants from Germany and the UK are among the least successful, reported London's The Daily Telegraph . Existing members of the website rate how attractive potential members are over a 48- hour provisional period, when applicants upload a photograph and a short personal profile.

They are rated by members of the opposite sex, who have four options to describe how attractive they think the hopeful is - 'Yes definitely', ' Hmmm yes, OK', ' Hmmm no, not really' and ' NO definitely NOT'. The website was founded in 2002 in Denmark and since then it has spread to other countries. The portal went live across the globe on October 26 this year.

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